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     Three years ago, The Hunger Games was a hot reading choice between middle school, and high school students; today, Veronica Roth’s novel, Divergent, is on many students must read list. Divergent is a very popular read and the 2014 movie was a huge success as was The Hunger Games.

     The two novels may be similar with their dystopian society which allows readers to explore a world other than their own. In the worlds of The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen lived in a world where there were 13 districts; in Divergent, Beatrice Prior exists in a world of 5 factions. The continuous lifestyle of the two worlds may be what makes these novels so interesting. Readers are intrigued; wondering what it is like to live in a world other than their own.

     Another similarity within the novels is the fact that the main character symbolizes revolution. In The Hunger Games, Katniss is fighting for the districts so 

Divergent the New Hunger Games?

they do not have to kill each other and live with the horrible annual tradition. Divergent’s main character Tris fights for the lives of her former faction, abnegation and the peace of her world.

     Aside from the main character being the hero and the setting being a dystopian world, Divergent and The Hunger Games are nothing alike. The story line of Divergent is a 16 year old girl who chooses to change factions, and must find herself in order to save her old faction and keep peace in her world. The Hunger Games is about a girl who goes off to battle against other children in a game that is for the capitol’s entertainment, and tries desperately to stay alive in order to be the last one standing.

     Despite the different story lines, these two novels are meant for a great read. Readers will be taken to another world in a page turning tale that will make you never want to put down the book. If you have never read either of The Hunger Games, or Divergent, it is strongly recommended; especially, if you enjoy a thrilling, and exiting read. 

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