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     Ever since gaming became relevant on both the PC and consoles, people have been arguing over which is better. Many people back both sides and the people on either end of the argument seeing the other as an inferior, which leads to heated debates. I myself lean more towards the PC side of the argument, for only a few reasons.          

     My first preference towards the PC is the fact that there are many more upgrade capabilities if your system gets out of date. Many aspects of the system can be replaced with better components such as the graphics card, processor and sound card. All of these parts would make a gaming experience more visually appealing, as well as audibly appealing.  A computer with low end quality parts will not run higher end games with large quotas for specifications. Also, the possibility of multiple monitors for one PC is quite awesome.  Consoles only have set components that 

- Elijah Chamberlain

aren’t easily upgraded, and can only have one monitor hooked in, since there is only one port for such.

     Another preference towards PC is the large availability of mods for certain games. Most games from Steam (a program that allows you to buy games through it) had modding capabilities. The big hitters for it are Skyrim, Half-Life 2 and Arma II. Standalone game mods for these have been released, such as Day-Z from Arma II, and Garry’s Mod for Half-Life 2. There are slight modding capabilities on the Xbox, but they are minimal compared to the scope of modding on PC, which has all the tools needed to create content for games.

     My last overall preference towards PC is the fact of the graphic levels of games played on high graphics systems. If you get a really good graphics card, you can run almost anything on Ultra settings, which, for some games, looks absolutely 

phenomenal. Consoles are getting close, I will admit, but PC capabilities will always be more advanced. I’m not hating on consoles, as I own one myself, but I highly prefer the PC to anything else. 

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